
Coming undone as stitches tighten

Coming undone as stitches tighten

Coming Undone as Stitches Tighten brings together intriguing poems of personal and communal consequence. It covers diverse experiences, including governance, the environment, love and longing, culture, and death. This second collection is a tribute to nationhood and humanity, evoking emotions that capture the true essence of art.


Efo riro and other stories

Efo riro and other stories

The stories in this book cover varied social themes including betrayal, spousal abuse, religious dogma, love, bravery and vengeance. It speaks of the untamed resilience of the everyday Nigerian who is faced with the vicissitudes of life.

We meet Sixtus the driver whose love of a particular delicacy has him biting off more than he can chew, and we laugh to our heart’s delight. But all is not humorous in this collection; anything can happen in the city of Lagos; a man disappears after a Champions league semi-final and we are drawn into his wife’s travails, we shine light on paedophilia through the keen eyes of a gossip, we take a peek at what love and lust look like on the internet, then we head to Oguta where a ritual to revive a sick husband takes an unexpected turn. Despite the human tendency to betray and disappoint, we encounter stories that show how people tread life on a carpet of love and hope.


Symphony of Becoming

Symphony of becoming

We find a multiplicity of voices in Iquo’s debut poetry collection. There is the sedate poet of the first section; which is aptly titled “Reflections”. There is the socially conscious and patriotic poet in the second section “Of nationhood”. Then we meet the sassy, saucy and sensual poet of the third section, “Heartbeat” before we encounter the assertive poet of the final segment, “Praise Songs”.

The multiplicity of voices, the constant switches from one persona to another help provide the collection with depth and thematic range. These are not poems written to a set agenda. These are poems that address many issues and which reflect an urgent engagement with diverse topics and themes. The poems are thus at once public and private testaments, reflections and assertions, wishes and declarative statements.